Kotuku Park - selling properties on New Zealand

Kotuku Park Subdivision Information for Prospective Purchasers


This brochure has been produced to provide information for prospective purchasers of sections in the Kotuku Park development. As you maybe aware the Kotuku Park development is located on the boundary of the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve. The proximity to the reserve results in some conditions being imposed on what type of construction can be carried out on each section. These condition arm to ensure that the subdivision blends into the landscape around the reserve and estuary as harmoniously as possible.

The Reserve

The Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve was created as a reserve in 1987 and is situated adjacent to the Kapiti Marine Reserve which extends seaward from the Scientific Reserve to Kapiti Island. The subdivision therefore has two important ecological reserves right on its boundary.

The scientific reserve is important for a number of reasons. Firstly there are a range of plant habitats and plant species at the estuary. A number of these plants are rare. The estuary also supports a large number of bird species including a range of overseas migrants. Several of these birds breed on the sand flats at the month of the estuary. These are few estuaries such as this along this part of the coast of the lower North Island. Most sandy estuaries tend to become focal points for activities such as boating and recreation.

The Oxbow is a local geological feature being the remnant river which previously meandered around sand dune formations. It is an important ecological area immediately east if the subdivision and will eventually be integrated from private ownership into the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve.

It is important that prospective purchasers understand the protected nature and significance of the area they will be living next to. The area has high natural values and people can unfortunately have adverse effects upon them if the area is mis-used. However the area has a large number of attributes, which will provide a unique opportunity for residents to experience what the environment has to offer. A number of the residents adjacent to the reserve are honorary rangers.


Code of Conduct

The following guidelines and conditions are intended to assist prospective landowners to make choices that minimize potential adverse effects of the subdivision development on the adjacent reserveīs values.

Building Structure and Materials

As part of any development it will be necessary for Kotuku Parks Ltd to review architectīs or builderīs plans to assess the location and the design of the building.

Individual buildings must be harmonious with the surrounding environment and neighbours.

Roof pitch must not exceed 38 degrees, and building height in those properties abutting the reserve is restricted to a single storey to ensure that views are not intruded upon.

To ensure quality of dwellings, information will be sought on total construction costs. Such information will remain confidential.

For houses built adjacent to the boundary of the reserve, particular attention will be paid to the aesthetic nature of buildings and the materials used on these buildings. Aspects of this include: the profile of the roof, wall cladding, the use of appropriate colours and tones for building materials (to blend in with the natural colours as much as possible).

As zinc is a significant storm water pollutant, the use of galvanized iron roofs is discouraged.

Reserve Access

Public assess to the Waikanae Estuary Reserve is provided via 2 gates and one locked vehicle gate. The existing fence on the seaward side of the development will eventually be extended to separate future sections from the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve. This is necessary to restrict uncontrolled animals (cats and dogs) in the reserve. No other openings (such as gates) from the private sections to the reserve are permitted and the conditions of the fence must be maintained to an acceptable standard. Maintenance of the fence on the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve boundary will be the shared responsibility of landowners and the Department of Conservation.

Control Pets

Keeping free-ranging pets within the subdivision adjacent to the reserve is discouraged, due to the risk of them chasing or disturbing wildlife, particularly nesting birds. Pet owners need to be able to control the whereabouts of their animals. This is straightforward with respect to dogs, however the movements of cats are much more difficult to manage. Prospective purchasers should consider that cats may not be suitable pets in such a sensitive area. Furthermore, feral cats are known to be present within the estuary, and the Department of Conservation has a duty to protect wildlife within the reserve. This may periodically involve trapping of predators including cats. Any domestic cats within the reserve face the risk of being caught along with feral animals.

Currently dogs are permitted within the scientific reserve if on a leash, however a Dog Policy being developed by the Department of Conservation is likely to prohibit dogs from all scientific reserves.

Landscaping and Planting

Prospective section owners in the Kotuku Park development are encouraged to use native plant species that are compatible with the reserve. This particularly applies to those sections which adjoin the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve and other internal reserve areas. The flow on benefits of shelter, screening, increased birdlife and view enhancements would be maximised accordingly. Advice can be sought from the Department of Conservation for their suggested plant species. Please contact the Department at:

  • Kapiti Area Office
  • Department of Conservation
  • PO Box 141
  • Waikanae
  • Telephone (04) 296 1112

Stormwater Runoff

Stormwater runoff from the house roofs, hardstand areas and roads will be piped and discharged into the lakes within the development and eventually will enter the Estuarine area. Physical and natural systems have been implemented to minimise the risk of contaminants having a detrimental effect on the areas ecology. Residents should be aware of the delicate balance between their urban lifestyles and the conservation of the adjoining Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve. Deliberate or ignorant dumping of contaminants into the stormwater system would be jeopardise the health of the reserve eco-system.

By being careful with the disposal of unwanted materials such as chemicals, paints, petrol and oil you will be playing and important part in protecting and maintaining the beauty of the natural environment that you have chose to reside in. Washing your car on the lawn is an example of a simple and effective way to do this. Your cooperation in this manner is important and will be very much appreciated.


When a property is purchased, the property will have a covenant attached to it. The covenant identifies all of the special restrictions that will apply to the property, its future development and the nature of the building allowed on the site.

Click Here to download a pdf of Land Covenant in Easement Instrument No. 7962626.11 ( 610 KB )

Click Here to download a pdf of Land Covenant in Transfer 7962626.12 ( 324 KB )

Master Plan

Click Here to download a pdf of Kotuku Parks Master Plan ( 3.94 MB )

Click Here to download a zip of Kotuku Parks Master Plan ( 3.75 MB )

Further Information

For further information in relation to the code of conduct and the content of this information brochure please contact:

  • Kotuku Parks Limited
  • PO Box 22 174
  • Wellington
  • Fax 04-479-3605

Further information regarding the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve may be obtained from the Department of Conservation Kapiti office on 04-296-1112.